
マクロミル、モニタスを連結子会社化 パネル数は国内最大級の約3,600万人に

English follows Japanese
2023年8月24日 : 英文追加

(コード番号:3978 東証プライム)

株式会社モニタス(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長:林秀紀、以下、モニタス)は、株式会社マクロミル(本社:東京都港区、代表執行役社長 グローバルCEO:佐々木徹、以下、マクロミル)の連結子会社となりました※1。本連結子会社化により、マクロミルグループのアンケート回答パネル総数は国内最大級※2の約3,600万人となり、今後マクロミルとモニタスは、共同でパネルの優位性を生かしたサービスの展開を強化します。




  1. 国内最大級の消費者パネル基盤の確立
  2. 今回の連結子会社化により、マクロミルグループのアンケート回答パネル総数は国内最大級の約3,600万人となり、既存のリサーチサービスおよびデジタル領域において、調査対象者が拡大することなど、サービス提供範囲の拡大や、質の向上を見込むことが可能です。両社は今後、このパネルの優位性を新たなサービス開発の基盤として、更なる事業規模の拡大を目指します。
  3. 「サンプルパネル提供」「セルフサービスプラットフォーム」の市場のサービス強化
  4. マクロミルグループは、モニタスを連結子会社とすることで、インサイト産業の中でも足元で伸長が続いている「サンプルパネル提供」「セルフサービスプラットフォーム」※3市場でのサービス展開を本格化します。



※1  2023年7月3日付でマクロミルが保有するモニタスの普通株式の持分割合が57.8%相当となり連結子会社化
※2  2023年8月自社調べ。マクロミルおよびモニタスのアンケート配信可能数の合計値(ただし、マクロミルの国内提携パネルネットワークに含まれていたモニタス分は控除)。他社データについては、国内リサーチ企業の主要4社が、2023年8月時点で開示している情報に基づく
※3  「サンプルパネル提供」「セルフサービスプラットフォーム」は、いずれも一般社団法人 日本マーケティング・リサーチ協会(JMRA)が定義する「インサイト産業」を構成する8つのセグメントに含まれるものとして、新たに追加されている市場領域

【株式会社マクロミル 会社概要】

代表者 :代表執行役社長 グローバルCEO 佐々木徹
本社 :東京都港区港南2-16-1 品川イーストワンタワー 11F
設立 :2000年1月
事業内容 :マーケティングリサーチおよびデジタル・マーケティング・ソリューションの提供
売上高 :40,616百万円(2023年6月期)
URL :https://www.macromill.com

【株式会社モニタス 会社概要】

代表者 :代表取締役社長 林秀紀
本社 :東京都港区芝公園2-6-3 芝公園フロントタワー22F
設立 :1991年4月
事業内容 :モニターアライアンス事業、LINEリサーチ事業
URL :https://monitas.co.jp

株式会社モニタス 広報室まで

Macromill Makes Monitas a Consolidated Subsidiary
Total survey panelist count set to rise 36 million, among the largest in Japan

August 14, 2023
Monitas, Inc.
Macromill, Inc.
(Securities Code: 3978, TSE Prime Market)

Tokyo, August 14, 2023 -Monitas, Inc. (Headquarters Minato-ku, Tokyo; President & CEO: Hidenori Hayashi; “Monitas,” hereafter) has become a consolidated subsidiary*1 of Macromill, Inc. (Headquarters Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Executive Officer and Global CEO Toru Sasaki; “Macromill,” hereafter). As a result, the total number of consumer research panelists across the Macromill Group has exceeded 36 million members, among the largest in Japan*2. Going forward, Macromill and Monitas will leverage the advantages of their panelists on a joint basis to strengthen the rollout of products.


Since it was established in 2000, Macromill has driven the industry as a leading online research company. Today, Macromill has built a domestic affiliated panel network comprising more than 11 million panelists and has rolled out various services with a focus on its research business.
Established in 1991, Monitas manages a consumer research panel organization with around 25 million panelists through which it pursues its core monitor alliance business, which includes support for the monetization of media utilizing survey content, and services to provide survey monitors to research companies and other organizations.
The marketing research industry is currently in a transitional phase to becoming an insight industry. This makes an evolution beyond the provision of traditional research services such as quantitative and qualitative research, reflecting the need to collect and analyze a wide range of data to provide client companies with deeper and more accurate insight into consumers. In the course of this shift, Macromill and Monitas aim to provide services through their respective panel assets to help solve the marketing challenges faced on client companies in speedier and more wide-ranging ways.

Expected Synergy

  1. Establishing One of Japan’s Largest Consumer Panel Infrastructures
  2. With Monitas being made a consolidated subsidiary at this time, consumer research panelists across the Macromill Group will increase to around 36 million people, among the largest such totals in Japan. This is expected to increase the number of those surveyed in the Group’s existing research services and digital operations, expanding the scope of products provided while improving quality. Looking ahead, the two companies will strive to further expand their scale of their operations, leveraging the advantages of these panels as a basis for new product development.
  3. Improving Products in the Markets for Sample Panel Provision and DIY Platforms
  4. By making Monitas into a consolidated subsidiary, the Macromill Group will launch a full-scale rollout of products in the markets for sample panel provision and DIY platforms*3, areas that have recently exhibited continued growth even by insight industry standards.
    Specifically, in the market for the provision of sample panels, which involves supplying clients with consumer panels to assist with their research, the Group aims to expand its scope of services and further expand the size of the market. In the market for DIY platforms, where clients can perform research and data analysis on the users of their own products and services, the Group will also aim to expand the scope of its services and scale of its operations. Macromill currently provides the Questant and milltalk platforms in this market, while Monitas’ offerings include Supcolo (registered patent no. JP,7286802,B). Going forward, both companies will make use of their expertise with their respective products to provide clients with services that meet their research needs in speedier and more inexpensive ways.

 The Macromill Group is converting its business model into Professional Marketing Services Company to help solve marketing challenges as a whole from further upstream, beyond addressing the research challenges of clients. Macromill will continue to offer innovative products based on various data obtained from consumer panels in order to spread innovations throughout the marketing business industry.


*1  As of July 3, 2023, Macromill’s holdings of common stock in Monitas increased to a shareholding ratio of 57.8%, making it a consolidated subsidiary.
*2  As of August 2023, based on Macromill research. Total value indicating the combined number of surveys Macromill and Monitas can distribute (however, Monitas’s portion, which was previously included in Macromill’s domestic affiliated panel network, is excluded). Data concerning other companies is based on the information disclosed as of August 2023 by the four major research companies in Japan.
*3  The provision of sample panels and DIY platforms are both market sectors that have been newly added as part of the eight segments that make up the insight industry as defined by the Japan Marketing Research Association (JMRA).

[About Macromill, Inc.]

Representative: Toru Sasaki, Representative Executive Officer, Global CEO
Headquarters: Shinagawa East One Tower 11F, 2-16-1 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Established: January 2000
Main Business: Marketing research and provision of digital marketing solutions
Net Sales : 40,616 million yen (fiscal year ended June 30, 2023)
URL :https://www.macromill.com

[About Monitas, Inc.]

Representative: President & CEO: Hidenori Hayashi
Headquarters: Shiba-Koen Front Tower 22F, 2-6-3 Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Established: April 1991
Main Business: Monitor alliance business, LINE research business
URL :https://monitas.co.jp

- For Inquiries about this matter -
PR Representative, Monitas, Inc.